Does my business need a written safety plan? |
Every business needs to meet the standards set forthby OSHA, as well as local and state labor laws ...A well designed OSHA Compliant Injury and Illness Prevention Plan will meet and exceed the OSHA Standards. It's the Law - California Labor Code 6401.7 (a) states that every employer shall establish, implement and maintain an effective written Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). OSHA mandates that every California business has a written safety compliance plan, specific to the company and its location that addresses the safety standards for the company’s industry classification. Employers are advised that in addition to the Injury and Illness Prevention Program for Safety, Health and Workplace Security your business must also have safety plans that address the standards that impact the operation of your business.
Keep in mind, according to OSHA, if your safety plan isn't in written form your company is not compliance.
* We now have sample OSHA templates for our client's use - free of charge.