Scroll down to open bold highlighted topics
FORM - Employer's report of occupational injury or illness
Simplified flow chart for claims process
Includes Employees Report of Injury
FORM - Doctor's first report of occupational injury or illness
FORM - Notice of employee death
FORM - Notice to employees poster (English and Spanish)
Information for Injured Employee:
Topics covered in this FAQ include:
The basics
Medical care
Navigating the workers comp system
Temporary disability benefits
Permanent disability benefits
Returning to work
Employer responsibilities
Report of suspected medical care provider fraud
EAMS general public search
EAMS and legacy case number lookup tool
More workers' compensation topics
Reporting suspected medical care provider fraud
Workers' compensation reference materials
Libros de referencia de compensacion de trabajadores
Division of Workers' Compensantion/Workers' Compensation Appeals Board - Policy and Procedural Manual
A Guidebook for Injured Workers, 2006 
CompensaciĆ³n del Trabajador de California